10 Harsh Truths That Will Improve Your Life Instantaneously


Everyone wants to make an impact and live a life they can be proud of.

But anyone who has ever known success or even been around the block a time or two knows that life comes with some hard realities.

Success takes hard work and commitment, but what happens when luck and success evade us?

Maybe we have to start looking at the hard truths that show us whether we’re standing in the way of our own success.

Maybe what’s needed is to spend some time rethinking revamping, and restructuring, our approach to give us the best chance at moving forward successfully.

Here are 10 harsh truths — they may not be fun to hear or think about, but they can help you improve your life immediately.

1. You can’t control a lot of things — but you can control how you respond.

In life and in business, most things are outside your control. But there is one thing you can always control — and that is yourself, your reactions and ideas.

2. Life isn’t always happy — but there’s value in both the bad and the good.

There is tremendous pressure on all of us to be happy. But life is sometimes difficult and painful. When you let go of the idea that only happiness has value, you can accept life in all its glorious complexity.

3. Nothing lasts forever — and that’s a good thing.

Whatever the situation or emotion, there’s great freedom when you can learn to let go, make the experience a part of who you are becoming, and move on.

4. We can do our best and still fail — and it’s not our fault.

As leaders we have a tendency to be hard on ourselves. But when you let go of perfectionism you can accept that you did your best, whatever the outcome. Hope for the best and expect great things — and if that doesn’t happen, let it go.

5. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea — and that’s OK.

It’s been acknowledged again and again that you can’t please everyone. But if you focus on staying in favor with yourself, you can fly above the approval of others.

6. The past is gone — but you can build a great future on its foundation.

We’re all inclined to spend time analyzing the past. It’s valuable up to a point, but beyond that it’s just a recipe for paralysis. Hold onto what you have learned, let go of any pain, and move forward into the present — and from there, the future.

7. The beliefs of others are not your concern — acceptance is.

Each one of us is unique in our own way, and that is what makes this world so fantastic. What is right for me may be wrong for you — all we can do is to let go of judgment and accept one another for we are.

8. Some people and situations are harmful — and there’s strength in walking away.

Once in a while, you encounter a person or situation that’s just wasting your time, sucking precious resources and energy from your life. It may not be your place to judge, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow toxicity to hold you back. Just leave it behind you.

9. Deceit and games don’t fuel careers — trust is the key.

Business is built on relationships, and like partnerships, marriages, or friendships, trust and authenticity are the key components.

10. Many things you can’t choose, but you have a choice in everything you do.

You can make excuses, blame others, embrace the toxic and wrong — or you can follow a brighter path. It’s up to you.

When you let go of the bad ideas in your life, it’s not about weakness — it’s about realizing that you are important enough to choose well and strong enough to let go of the things that may be holding you back.

Credit Source:

Lolly Daskal

Lolly Daskal specializes in leadership & entrepreneurial development. |Top columnist @Inc | Leadership Coach| Business Consultant| Author| Keynote Speaker|

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