A Simple Life Matters Being Present with Oneself

A simple life consists of an interconnection within as well as the outside world. Unfortunately, many of us live our lives full of self-imposed barriers that seem to prevent us from experiencing even just the simple things in life.

So, why not live a simple life? Simply. Live.

How much of your time is spent worrying and not having balance in your life? Many of us worry about things that are not within our control. When we worry too much, we lose touch with life and all the wonderful things life has to offer. In other words – stop worrying, start living!

Dealing with daily adversities is hard for anyone, but if we learn to recognise life’s difficulties with a new attitude of ‘start living’ we can respond to life with a different set of eyes that look for opportunities to just simply – live.

To start living simply, you must think balance, embrace contentment, and be completely interconnected with oneself. Contentment matters for a peaceful soul. Having thoughts and feelings of simplicity is being comfortable and relaxed with your life. For everything to matter, contentment will allow you to savour each moment as it unfolds to allow your heart to feel it has everything you need to live simply.

Simply being present with oneself.

To find balance, you must be present. In being present with oneself, you must interconnect with your thoughts and feelings. Just to simply pause and reflect is to be in the present. To be intentionally present takes much focus and concentration. For everything to matter you must simply be present for all experiences – as they unfold.

Life is made up of a series of events – some more valued than others, but don’t miss a one! The level of importance in this case does not matter, it is a life experience just the same. When you simply take the time to be fully aware all things – in the moment – you will discover balance and connect with self.

Why it matters to a … simple life

This topic of simply present matters because without pausing for all things in life, you will
miss some of the significant events that happen to you, and more importantly –in you. Being present isn’t always easy, but if you are focused, you will not miss any special moments. A simple life is to experience it to its fullest and if you don’t pause for the moment, it will pass you by.


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