Career of your choice!

[fusion_text]From the earliest memories of your childhood you will remember the days when you said ‘I want to be … when I grow up!’  Everyone is entitled to choose their own career, but as a coach, I often hear people talk about ‘the career my father suggested’, or ‘the career the careers officer at school suggested’, or ‘I was best at this subject at school’ or ‘this career sounded exciting’ or a number of other reasons that do not explain that you chose your career using conscious decision.  It often feels as though the career that is chosen is one of convenience rather than one of conscious decision.
I am one of those people who went into a career my father felt was best suited to me, based on my results at school.  Since then I have successfully had five careers and am moving into my sixth.
‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’
Moving to the UK in my early 20’s allowed me to achieve my dream – working in the City of London.  Living in the commercial capital of a third-world country this seemed too exciting; but after a couple of years I realised that it was not what I wanted.  Finding the smallest advert ever printed in the Financial Times I moved careers without consideration or concern about my future career plans.  I made this career change intuitively.  I loved what I was doing, especially the variety of every day and the many thousands of people that I met; but after thousands of hours of travel and many years living in hotels, I wanted another change.  I wanted to live at home!
‘I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work,
and be proud that I tried everything.’
Jon Stewart
My next career found me!  An unformatted, informal, badly worded email arrived in my personal inbox.  What made me read the email rather than delete it, was the title.  The content, although short and badly worded, sounded intriguing.  I found myself going to an Introduction Day in London!  Although I didn’t enjoy the presentation, I was intrigued!  After a lot of due-diligence I found a training organisation and trained for the next career on my career path.
Although it’s a challenging business world today, it does not mean that if you are in a job that is not your dream job that you have to stay in the job.  
When I was first starting out as a Coach (no niche market intentionally), I met someone who had just turned 64.  With 65 being the ‘accepted’ retirement age in the UK, he was concerned.  He had spent many years building up his consultancy business and his current client had just assumed that when he turned 65 he would stop working.  He was worried.
We booked a coaching session and in the process of asking a number of in-depth questions, he suddenly admitted more to himself than to me, that he did not have any hobbies because he had turned his hobby into his business.  So what was he going to do?
After this first realisation, others rolled out.  One of his concerns was that his wife did not want him at home all day ‘under her feet’.  He had not shared what his client had said to his wife, but he had this inner feeling.  What to do?
‘You are never too old to set another goal
or dream a new dream.’
C.S. Lewis
With this information we were able to start to identify his fears and concerns, as well as those of his clients.  We realised that we had to deal with the ‘impression of age’.
Another client I was working with experienced something similar.  After being called into an internationally renowned organisation for three interviews, he heard that he had not got the position.  Why not?  They employed someone straight from University.  Interesting as he had been told that the reason they were interested in him was his experience.
From the day we are born we all ‘get older’ and society has set ‘barriers’ in place to ensure that we are seen to be something at specific ages in our lives.  At ‘x’ age you start school; at ‘y’ age you leave school; you leave school, college, or university at ‘z’ age; and you should retire and leave work at ‘a’ age.  None of these ages are determined by you, but by the powers that be and the society that we live in.
What stops you making your own decision?  A very close friend of mine went back to College and then University, getting a study grant from the UK government, at the age of 45.  She graduated just after she turned 50.  She studied something that had been a love of hers for many years, but something she had been told she could not move into as she was ‘good’ at what she did.  Today, a few years later she is a huge success in something new.
‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’
Abraham Lincoln
As a Spiritual Coach I work with Universal Communication and Intuition as part of my coaching practice; and in doing so I use coaching skills and universal communication of help each of my clients create their own future.  I often find that their inner most desire is very well hidden, and something that they have not admitted to themselves.  Therefore getting them to verbalise it can take time.
So what happened to my clients?

  • My client turned 65 and having refocused the way in which he talked about his business, he went on to sign up several other clients and today in his mid-70’s is still working part-time in his ‘hobby’.
  • My client who was turned down for the role, began to understand the reason.  He was not supposed to carry on doing what he had always been doing.  The Universe had sent him a message – find that inner most secret and move into doing something that you really, really want to do.  After being an employee for over 40 years, he successfully built his own self-employed business and is still working on it today.

So if you are on the cusp of making a change in your career, ask yourself:

  • ‘if you were to let your inner most secret out, what is it that you would like to do every day of your life?’
  • ‘what is the one thing that would get you bouncing out of bed every morning with excitement?’

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Barbara J. Cormack MNMC, AFC, AFM is a  leading Spiritual Coach, published in five co-authoring books, and author of two of her own.  Barbara is an advocate of achieving in every arena of life.  Her clients hold her in high esteem as her style of coaching makes the possibility of sustainable change compelling, exciting and achievable.  Barbara’s style of working makes the knowledge of your future, clear, inviting, and achievable.  She combines her extensive background and experience with a keen insight into the demands of balancing the personal with the professional.

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