Download your copy of the 6th edition of the International Coaching News (iCN) online magazine!

After the success of our 1st year we are now gearing up for a bumper 2nd year of iCN, and our latest edition is on Personal Style and Wellness Coaching.

We are committed to helping you attain and maintain your personal best, to help you reach your wellness goals that are aligned to who you are as an individual, not what society, family or our jobs demand of us to be.

Our international columnists, expert coaches and best-selling authors have provided insights about personal style and wellness coaching. In this edition’s feature article ‘What is Style Coaching, and can what you wear really change your life?’ Style Coach Kate Cutting provides some thought provoking ideas on dress sense, personality and mood. Another note-worthy article is from one of our regular contributors Martin Goodyer, “Don’t Try and Balance on a Three Legged Stool When One Leg is Missing,” wherehe discusses how vital it is to have a balanced and healthy life style, and provides some helpful tips on nutrition, fitness and sleep. “Four Creativity Coaching Tools that Promote Self-Esteem” by Jill Badonsky, describes four of the tools from Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching that have been test-driven with thousands of clients since 1997, which we thought you would enjoy! For the book review section, “Parlez-vous Personality? Process Communication for Coaches” by Collignon G., Legrand P. and Parr J. by Anita Mountain, is a “must read” for anyone who wishes to improve their communications skills.? It offers an in-depth approach to relating with others in a positive psychological frame of mind.

The ICN team encourages you to contribute to the magazine to make it a highly interactive forum. You can do this either by commenting on articles in the forums section on our website, or by submitting an article for publication in subsequent editions. Simply log-on providing us with your details.

There are also significant benefits to be gained by people wanting to advertise their business, event or service through the ICN. With a readership base of over 24,000 people worldwide, have you ever thought about the benefits of advertising to the ICN’s international reader base? Now is the ideal time as we have started taking discounted ‘early bird’ reservations for our upcoming Relationship Coaching’ issue due to be released in April/May 2014. Do your business a favour – place your advertisement in front of our very interested and dynamic audience now! To find out more, contact our friendly media consultants at and request our media pack.

We hope you enjoy this edition and look forward to receiving your feedback!


  • Chris C.
    September 19, 2014 at 12:19 am

    It looks like there’s some quality information in this magazine! I think it’s interesting (and great) that there’s so much included about life outside of the office. At first glance, I wouldn’t tie things like nutrition, fitness, and sleep to my performance in the workplace but now that I think about it all three of those things are essential in creating a balanced individual. They all contribute to good health, and being in good health makes you a more alert and productive worker. I’m also intrigued by the Style Coaching!

  • Dana Davis
    September 19, 2014 at 12:45 am

    So many different fields of coaching and Personal Style and Wellness Coaching is an area I would like to learn more about. There are Style Coaches! I had no idea! I am going to check out the ICN Magazine and see what it is all about, you never know where it may lead. Doesn’t hurt….

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