How do I feel … ?

Here at the-Coaching Chronicle-run by Gerard O’Donovan, our aim is to constantly bring value to those seeking to improve their lives. Therefore we have a policy of publishing articles and materials by guest authors whom we value and appreciate. Today’s guest author is from: Dave Robson.
Author and Life Coach Dave Robson describes a powerful technique
to rediscover your true passion.
People have many reasons for denying their true passion. For example:
I could never make a living out of that
It’s not a worthy profession
I’m not good enough
It’s impossible
I’m not qualified
Too much effort required
I’m not passionate about anything
I have no truck with any of these because I’ve proved to myself many times that anything is worth doing if you strongly believe in it and, more important, if you believe in yourself.
Immediately two very important questions arise, “How do I believe in myself ?” And “How can I believe in this passion if I don’t know what’s right for me?” If this is starting to sound familiar, odds on it’s because you are out of touch with what your heart is trying to tell you because your mental conditioning has taken over.
If you want to take control of your life, your journey has to begin with self-enquiry, because only by getting to know yourself inside out can you get in touch with your true Self and find out what’s best for you.
Whatever other people might say, you are far more likely to excel, and therefore to be successful and happy with that success, when you develop something you love and are naturally good at.
So where to begin? Try this simple, powerful technique. It’s called “How do I feel … ?”
Make a list of everything you are interested in and examine them one by one. For example, imagine you’re actually doing the first activity on your list. Ask yourself, “how do I feel about what I’m doing?” or “how does this feel ?”
Please note: Do not ask yourself what you think, ask yourself how you feel.
Repeat the exercise for every item on your list, no matter how impossible they might seem, and as fast and spontaneously as possible, so you don’t have time to think.
If you are honest with yourself the answers you get will come from your heart and not from your mind. They might be challenging and not what you want to hear, which might shock you. Your heart is unaffected by your conditioning and will always give you true guidance. It will never lead you astray as long as you listen carefully to its still, small voice.
Only you know how you feel, what drives you, what makes your heart sing, what you’re good at and what you’re passionate about, so have the courage of your convictions.
Next month we’ll discuss why too much thinking can actually kill your passion stone dead.
For more information about Dave and his work, visit You can also e-mail him at


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