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Here at the-Coaching Blog-run by Gerard O’Donovan, our aim is to constantly bring value to those seeking to improve their lives. Therefore we have a policy of publishing articles and materials by guest authors whom we value and appreciate. Today’s guest author is Carmen Moraru.
The Casino Building from the Central Park was the host of the first edition of Transylvania Zenfest, held last June. It is the first festival dedicated to alternative and complementary therapies. This is the first event from Cluj-Napoca, dedicated to the equilibrium of body, mind and soul.
It was a two-day event, they were 16 outstanding speakers, who enlightened those who attended, that everything is possible. Among the 16 wonderful speakers there were: Georgiana Sprătaru, Dr. Crina Vereş, Darius Moldovan, Toma Gross and others.
Georgiana Sprătaru is a ThetaHealing instructor. She presented to the participants a technique which they can accomplish any desire or ThetaHealing. ThetaHealing was developed by Vianna Stibal. By practicing ThetaHealing, you become aware of the blockages in your subconscious and you learn ways in which you can modify it. ThetaHealing is a mode in which you can turn any situation around using the Theta brainwaves. It has been called the cream of creams as far as personal development is concerned. In order to have an optimum way of life, it is necessary to heal our blockages, our limiting beliefs that are profoundly rooted in our subconscious and to replace them with new ones that are full of hope and illuminating. With ThetaHealing we can create the life that we truly want.
Dr. Crina Vereş spoke about the New Germanic Medicine, developed by the German doctor Ryke Hammer. It is a method of self healing which treats the cause of diseases and not their effect, because it is known that if we eliminate the cause, we also eliminate the effect. If the cause remains and we are treating only the effect, then this will cause maybe an even worse outcome. Doctor Hammer has set forth the five biological laws and highlighted the interaction between the three levels of our being: psychological, mental and physical.
The master Darius Moldovan presented “The Yoga of Perception – The First Five Steps in Yoga”. In Sanskrit, yoga means “union, becoming”. A key stage in the practice of physical exercises (Hatha Yoga) is to become aware of the seven force centres of your being which are being ignited in the seven colours of the Rainbow: red, orange, yellowish, immature, blue, indigo and violet. By practicing Yoga, you open yourself to new worlds that you did not even dream of and you become more open to the world that surrounds you – at the same time – you become aware of the unlimited potential that lies within you.
Toma Gross, the creator of Solar Abundance, had a section called “Live beautifully – Reiki and Abundance”. Toma Gross is a Reiki Master. The Reiki therapy was developed by Japanese doctor, Mikkao Usui, on 1922, while he was doing his research about the energy that was used by Jesus and Buddha in order to make miracles happen. This healing technique with the universal energy offers benefits for mind, body and soul, by aligning a person with his or her destiny. His purpose is to create “a generation of people that are powerful both spiritually as well as financially. Because only this kind of people will be able to make a change in our society, in the life that we lead and in the vision of life”.
Another significant part of the first edition of Transylvania Zenfest was the Holistic Fair, which gathered specialists and therapists from fields such as: energy medicine, bio-resonance, Bach floral remedies, homeopathy, Prananadi, Reiki, Sahaja Yoga, magnetism, superfoods, nutrition, water purifying systems and much, much more.
Among the therapists present at the fair, was Psychologist Mirela Vicovan, therapist in Bioresonance, Reiki, Access Bars, Energetic Facelift and Bach remedies counsellor. She is the Director of the “Healthy Life” Holistic Medicine Centre in Cluj-Napoca.
“Healthy Life is a centre of holistic medicine and bioresonance, set up in 2008, with a large range of services, qualified personnel and eager to put their knowledge and experience into practice for the use of our patients”, said Mirela Vicovan. “By the services that we provide at our centre there are: balancing the whole body through bioresonance, consultation for Bach floral remedies (depression, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, fears, mourning, recovery after accidents, shocks, traumas, personal development, loneliness), emotional healing, Reiki, Access Bars (the most innovative relaxation therapy) and others.
The Sahaja Yoga Association was also present at the Holistic Fair. Sahaja Yoga is another means of awakening the Kundalini energy and self-realization. It addresses the system of chakras as well, only that this time there are not practiced the asanas like in Hatha Yoga, but it is based on a set of affirmations for each chakra, whose aim is personal development.
Other interesting therapies that I found at this Fair were: the therapy through mandalas and numerology, the Prananadi Healing Way, Green Valley Health & Beauty (a company of Chinese origin), Nikken (a Japanese system of water filtering), an entire universe of technologies and therapies that promises the attainment and maintenance of an equilibrium between body, mind and soul.
Healing Way, Green Valley Health & Beauty (a company of Chinese origin), Nikken (a Japanese system of water filtering), an entire universe of technologies and therapies that promises the attainment and maintenance of an equilibrium between body, mind and soul.
Yoga, Reiki, ThetaHealing, the New Germanic Medicine, the Bach floral remedies… After two days spent at the Transylvania Zenfest you feel like you were born again. You have discovered within yourself a lot of things that make you look at the world with different perspective. You find that if you change your inner attitude, everything around you changes as well.
The location where the event took place was a superb one: the Old Casino Building from the Central Park from Cluj, with a lake to its left where there were geese floating on the water. A lot of green plants, harmony, joy, hope…
Carmen’s mission in life is to help people. She believes that there is something beautiful inside everyone. She is also an author of books on personal development, Journalism, Psychology, Parapsychology, Alternative Therapies (Usui Reiki Ryoho, ThetaHealing, Munay Ki), Online Advertising.
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