Goals, Goals, Goals – They’re everywhere!

Here at the-Coaching Blog-run by Gerard O’Donovan, our aim is to constantly bring value to those seeking to improve their lives. Therefore we have a policy of publishing articles and materials by guest authors whom we value and appreciate. Today’s guest author is Sonia Brown (United Kingdom).
Sonia Brown MBE shares simple insights to small business owners who are stuck in their business and looking for ways to boost their motivation and business performance through the self-discipline of goal setting.
There is nothing new about the Tao of Goals. All successful business leaders swear by setting (achieving) and writing down their goals. A study by Harvard Business Review revealed that only 3% of people write down their goals. But for many people, they find it difficult to set goals so spend their time drifting like a leaf in the wind wondering why they have not achieved what is truly possible for them.
This article is clear. No matter how much we try to avoid goal setting, we have to set goals in all areas of our lives, not only in business, if we want to see the results that we desire for our personal and professional lives.
Successful leaders and time managers are future orientated focussed on how they will achieve their goals. They are disciplined and push through their goals to completion. Unsuccessful people talk about the things that they do not want (most of the time) rather than focussing on the things they want, and the goals that will help them achieve their vision.
Goal setting is not new, it’s just that we don’t do it!  Think of what you want, imagine what it’d be like to have it, how you will feel when you have it and then focus on working to completing your deadlines.
Therefore, it’s easy to see why most of our problems are caused simply because we have not set strategic goals.  Failing to plan is planning to fail.
It starts with a thought
Discover what you want in your business and what are your aspirations around the areas in your life that you are looking to pursue.  Your vision of your ideal business future starts in the imaginary world and starts with a thought.  You become what you think about most of the time.
Once you are clear about your vision, it is important to commit to writing down the goals. You should then create a plan of what your life would look like in 12 months, 3-5 years, 10 years etc.  Think perfection. The more you invest in this process the more you will get out of it.  Remember, think BIG. Anything is possible, you have no limits. Do not set low goals, be bold and optimistic.
Take responsibility
What do you really want from your business?
You have unlimited potential to achieve what you want in life if you are prepared to work hard, take responsibility and stop hiding behind excuses for not designing your ideal future.
Refuse to look at the things that did not go right in the business in the past. Visualise the ideal business life that you want. Take a hard look at your business, market, sector and think about starting again knowing that you can create something brilliant based on your experience, skills and acumen.
Work towards removing the unhelpful self-limiting beliefs that hold you back and stop you creating goals and habits to get the most out of your plan going forward. High achievers set out to make their vision a reality and the next question is ‘How?’ Focus on your ideal future because it will be better than the past.
Goals are directional and intentional
How will you know when you have achieved your goals? Are you on course or not? When setting goals be specific and have a validation procedure in place.  What will you see, hear, feel, taste, etc.?  Then you will know if you are getting closer or further away from your goals.
Live your life from the inside out
Having set your goals, what will it give YOU?
It is really important to discover the values that underpin your goals. Your subconscious mind will reveal your values once you set your goals.  But ensure that it is important to you and not someone else.  The more clarity you have on your values the more effective your actions will be on the outside.  Your values determine your beliefs and expectations and more likely determine your reality.
Your attitude is part of your values and you will attract more positive responses from people want to work with and for.  It’s important to commit to your goals and focus on accomplishing results, no matter what challenges are thrown your way.
If you were coming to the end of your life, what would you wish that you had done more of?  What are you passionate about? Who do you admire and why?  What do you want to achieve in this lifetime? Your values shape your purpose.
Take action
When the mind has a goal, it has a target and it means your energy heads towards those goals.  You cannot achieve your goals if you don’t have a target. It’s directional, motivational and makes you successful.
Are you in the picture of your goals?
A future-orientated leader will be happiest when they are living in alignment with their goals and their world. Your values must be congruent with your life and if it contradicts will cause stress, anger and frustration. Focus your energy in a particular way. Goals will help you show what direction you are moving?
Take control and focus like a laser beam on accomplishing your goals. You get more of what you focus on. Successful people think of solutions while unsuccessful people think of obstacles and problems. Stop protecting your ego and identify what habits, experience, skills or education that may be holding you back from accomplishing your goals. Your actions will be a manifestation of what is going on inside of you.  The constraints are mainly within rather than outside of yourself – positive or negative!
State your goals in a positive mode and take continuous action.  What you learn on the way is what really matters.  It’s not only about the journey as much as the arrival, but who you become in the process. The goal is working for you even when you face roadblocks but remember. The goal will organise, measure and enhance your management and leadership skills the more you stick to the process.
Take these goals and turn them into your ideal day, week and or month.  This is where you have strategically designed with your goals.  Keep the momentum and enthusiasm going.  Start today, a small step is fine.
About Sonia Brown
Sonia Brown MBE is an award winning business communicator, uber connector, coach, trainer, writer and diversity maverick and Regional Director for The Alpha Group.
@soniatalks | www.soniabrown.co.uk
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