iCN 30th Edition is Now Here!

International Coaching News (iCN) online magazine is excited to announce the release of our 30th edition, with the theme Group & Team Coaching.This edition is loaded with content on a variety of relevant topics. It is focused on helping organisations develop high performing teams, provides tools & tips on how to build successful teams and how to be a better team coach amidst the pandemic we are experiencing recently.

The iCN is proud to have collaborated with several renowned international columnists, expert coaches and best-selling authors to provide insights on corporate coaching. Look out for our Quarterly Column‘Reinventing the Gig Economy’ by Divya Parekh. Divya shares three concepts to gig economy, Growth, Integrity  Greater Good. Another noteworthy article ‘Virtual Intercultural VUCA and the New Normal’ by Malcolm Nicholson, examines ideas around a new ‘How’ – how to deliver team coaching in a lockdown and post lockdown intercultural VUCA world. The ‘what’ that is delivered will depend on the client requirements. ‘A Powerful Mastermind Model for Group Coaching’ by Carl Dierschow. Carl discusses the Mastermind concept & process and how it is beneficial to the group. ‘Want More Clients? Use This Amazing Tool’ by Ruby McGuire. Ruby shares why group coaching is a great tool to consider adding to your business, for an additional revenue & a three-part strategy for overcoming your mindset monkeys.

Each of our columnists, too numerous to mention individually, has taken some really interesting perspectives, and I would encourage a thorough read-through of this edition.

And speaking of team, we are delighted to announce that we have been working over the last months to recruit and train new journalists for the iCN magazine. We have now appointed 8 new Journalists to search out new cutting-edge happenings in the world of coaching and personal development. To know more about our Journalist and our entire team, kindly click HERE.

Just like all our other editions, this is not just an interesting read, but it provides you with helpful personal development ideas and professional development techniques to grow your business and improve your lifestyle.

To download, please register on the website and click MAGAZINE.  You will be prompted to fill up your information then it will directly take you to the download page.

I hope you enjoy this issue and do let us know if there are any topics you’d like to see covered in the future.


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