The New Domain of Leadership

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Here at the-Coaching Blog run by Gerard O’Donovan, our aim is to constantly bring value to those seeking to improve their lives. Therefore we have a policy of publishing articles and materials by guest authors whom we value and appreciate. Today’s guest author is Floyd W. Carlson (USA).
Charlie did not want to share his knowledge with his team or peers. Charlie believed that by keeping the knowledge to himself, he was making himself indispensable and protecting his job. Charlie was very knowledgeable in what he did, but he was not a team player and the others did not trust him. Charlie’s career stalled until he became aware of his default behavior and decided to change it. Thinking about your own interest and not supporting your team members is an old school personal leadership methodology of putting yourself ahead of others to distinguishing yourself as the go-to person because of your special knowledge. Once Charlie gave up this belief and changed, he was able to take on new things, which led him to be promoted a year later.
This example demonstrates traits that are part of what I call the Stone Age of Leadership. A period of time which is extinct to the way people want to be led today. The challenge is these dinosaur ways of leading are still pervasive in workplaces today and are causing great talent to be ordinary at best or leave to other organizations. The cost to employee morale, productivity, turnover cost and the overall impact of the organization these leaders cause can be staggering.
Polling people about how many leaders in their career who have inspired them and they would want to work for again, the number is normally 27% or less. For those leaders who are memorable as we can learn about the traits they demonstrate every day and emulate them to be part of our life. Leading in a conscious way is taking consistent actions that make a positive difference for your people, family, friends, community, and organizations while making the world a better place to live. Being a conscious leader is an on-going personal journey of awareness of your default behaviors and the impact they have on others.
Leaders who embrace the new domain of leading consciously focus on these 4 key traits:  

  • They manage their energy. Energy management is being aware of what gives you energy, what drains your energy, and managing your energy levels throughout the day so you can show up in the right mood for the situation to be impactful.
  • They make a connection with each person. A leader’s success depends on people and building a trusting relationship with them.  People want to feel more connected with their leaders and this requires empathy, openness and a willingness to share.
  • They do the internal work to be the best they can be. To be able to transform and make an impact on other people, leaders must be willing to take the actions to change themselves and invest in their own development. Being free from their blocks, judgment, fears and limiting beliefs is an on-going process.    
  • They give feedback that moves people. The number one competency is the care of people. Through their care and focus on making their people the best, they give real feedback about what is possibly holding their team members back.

It all starts with embracing the new domain of leading, which is be conscious and focus your energy on making a positive difference in everything you do.
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About Floyd W. Carlson
Floyd W. Carlson is the author of “Conscious Leadership In Action!”
(Panoma Press, 2015) Floyd began his conscious leadership journey when on the battlefields in Iraq. In an instant, his life changed forever. He saw his life flash before his eyes during the heat of a battle. When he thought his life was over, the vision that stood out the most was seeing an image of his son who had not been born yet. This game-changing event became his story that is driving his personal transformation.
Follow him on Twitter @fwcarlson.  
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