Words from our CEO
Update from Coaching Support division
Overview of the NM Group and opportunities
Re-design of our Coach-Finder directory
Update from the IIC&M
Coaching Blog article
Special offer
Words from our CEO
“I have to say, I am so looking forward to August- as many of you know I always take the whole of August off tospend with my family, and the year-to-date has just seemed to fly by, so I’m looking forward to some time off with Gail and my boys.
Two of my sons, James and Michael, (aged 23 and 16 ) are, as we speak, backpacking around Thailand, Laos and Vietnam- so I’m looking forward to having them back safe and sound on the 15th, and hearing their stories -although when I look at their Facebook pages it seems they are having far too much fun – I’ll soon put a stop to that !! 🙂
Gail and I are going to go to Ireland for the first 10 days-and actually meet some relatives I did not even know I had that should be fun!
On the business front, things as usual have been very hectic and we are very much looking forward to working with new Master Distributors launching in Spain and the Netherlands in the autumn.
Our IT team, under the leadership of Laura and Verge, have worked so hard to relaunch our New Look- Coach Finder Directory (more below).
Our coaching support division is going from strength to strength under the leadership of Sharon and we are looking to launch many new support groups worldwide between now Christmas.
I have also been approached by an old friend, who is a diamond in the Nu Skin organisation (I used to be a diamond myself many years ago-but sold my business) and I’m seriously thinking of signing up again as a distributor because the products, I have to say, are just so good. If I do I will be looking to work with a very small group perhaps 3 to 4 people to build a worldwide distribution organisation-
anyone interested email me at
Well I think that’s enough from me, enjoy the sunshine and don’t work too hard! 🙂
Gerard O’Donovan – CEO
Update from Coaching Support Division
A short message from the International Managing Director, Sharon Smith.
“I was delighted to be asked by Gerard to head up the Coaching Support Division of Noble Manhattan. Our plan is to grow the division and our vision is to have in place an international network of coaching support groups. The groups will be a central hub for coaches, student coaches and anyone working in or interested in coaching and developing human potential, their own or that of others. The coaching support groups will provide support, motivation, inspiration and information as well as a place where likeminded people can come together to form a mastermind alliance. The groups will also raise the awareness of coaching and the benefits of having a coach within their local community.
We are looking for people who share our vision and have started our campaign to recruit leaders for Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada and USA and to set up coaching support groups in cities in Europe and all around the world. This business opportunity is available to a coach or anyone interested in developing human potential and who is looking for a way to serve the community doing what they love.
The first virtual group, the Global Coaching Support Group launched on 1 May and in two months had members in 28 countries. In June we appointed a leader for the New York Coaching Support Group and the New York group will launch within the next 3 months.
We have appointed our leader for Australia and are in discussions with a leader for Asia. We have also started conversations with coaches and other interested persons looking to set up coaching support groups in Africa, Australia, Canada, Croatia, England, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Poland, Romania, Spain, South America, Switzerland, Turkey and USA.”
To find out more about coaching support groups and about becoming a coaching support group leader, contact the International Managing Director, Sharon Smith at
Overview of the NM Group and Opportunities
As we have grown substantially over the last three years, many people have not quite grasped the size and shape of the Noble Manhattan Group worldwide.
Here below is a very brief synopsis giving the shape and details of opportunities available.
Noble Manhattan Coaching
The core business of the Noble Manhattan Group, a coach training school- currently trading in 28 countries with 18 courses ranging from a one day introduction up to a two and half year postgraduate.- We currently work with Master Distributor Partners – ( a bit like franchisees) in each territory- these have purchased the rights to trade exclusively in their territory.
To be a -Master Distributor– This is very similar to a franchise- a master distributor has complete ownership and exclusivity to a particular territory and receives 100% of the revenue created within that territory
Faculty– the following are paid positions
Trainer, Mentor, Final Assessor, Webinar Leader, Written Work Marker
Commission opportunities
Strategic Partners– Participate in a revenue share
ICN – International Coaching News
Currently the largest coaching magazine in the world with 35,000 subscribers in 21 countries
the Managing Director- is – Leeann Naidoo (LINKEDIN)
to write for the magazine
to advertise
to be a journalist
to be a columnist
to be a Country Manager- paid by results, generating advertising
to be a Media Consultant – paid by results- generating advertising
TAG – The ALPHA Group
An international peer-to-peer executive board- currently in over 30 cities worldwide. A regional director in each city creates an ALPHA Group and recruits members – Members have to be owners of SME’s with a minimum revenue £1 million per annum –
Managing Director – Colin Lindsay (LINKEDIN)
To Be an Alpha Group- Regional Director- earn a large percentage of all fees are guaranteed monthly basis.
To be one of the Alpha Group international recruitment managers – paid by results
CF – Coach Finder
One of the world’s largest directories for coaches and coaching organisations
CSG – Coaching Support Groups
An international network of coaching support groups. These are meetings that take place once every month for two hours one evening.
Run by a local coaching support group leader.
Managing director –Sharon Smith
To be a Coaching Support Group Leader – benefits – your brand profile will be raised massively within the local city resulting in lots more personal business
Re Design of our Coach-Finder Directory
Under the leadership of Laura and the incredible IT skills of Verge and his team – we are so pleased to announce the relaunch of our new updated and beautiful looking COACH-FINDER service
We are making it completely free for every coach and student coach to have their own standard listing.
Update from the IIC&M
The IIC&M have had an amazing start to the 2015 summer, with expansion into the Far East and Canada via two new country heads. This month we should also secure New Zealand and South Africa as our message regarding the importance of Coach and Mentor Accreditation is delivered across the globe.
The new website will be live from 1 st August, providing an improved user experience and with the new membership education platform in place it is a great time to consider membership. Associate Membership is our entry-level membership, and provides access to the Education Department for an extensive library of future, current and historic webinars for personal and professional development, as well as providing support around your business issues, development, and growth.
Trained coaches can become accredited as Practitioner Coaches or Senior Coaches through a simplified and discounted process specifically designed for Noble Manhattan students. Upgrading to Master or Fellow accreditation will follow as you gain experience. Accreditation is the renowned and government approved recognition of skills which elevates the professionalism of the coach and his/her business. Costs are negligible and discounted for all Noble Manhattan Coaching students – past and present.
As a training organisation that is a fully Accredited Training Centre with the IIC&M we will continue to support Noble Manhattan Coaching and their students energetically.
Coaching Blog Article
The Practice of Meditation, Non Directive Coaching and Awareness
At the Coaching Blog- one of the world’s leading blogs on the subject of Leadership and Coaching we quite often post articles by leading authors and authorities- today we are delighted to post the following article from Jorge Lugris on The Practice of Meditation, Non Directive Coaching and Awareness
Special Offer
Free! Blackberries!
Hopefully that made you read further but I love this time of year – the blackberries are ripening in the hedgerows and free fruit is always a good thing in my household! What better way is there than to head for the countryside and enjoy the pickings? If you are already in the countryside, then enjoy anyway!
The NMC UK marketing pot is being prepared for the Autumn so it’s time to grasp those ripening ideas that have been maturing quietly in your own ‘head-gerow’ (I love puns!) and focus on putting them into practice. To help you do this we have replenished our bursary pot for those wishing to embark on our Diploma coaching courses in 2016. Better still, there are still funds available for you to warm the bell and sign up before November 2015!
Moreover, our courses are eligible for Career Development Loans which can provide financial help so that you can train for your career change to coaching you have been promising yourself. For further help in choosing the course for you or for more information:
I hope you all have a most wonderful August
Gerard O’Donovan
CEO- Noble Manhattan