Simple Steps for Getting More Clients

Whenever I talk to new coaches, one of the first things I am asked is “How do you get clients?”  To be honest with you, this is something I really didnot give much thought to before going into business. It seems so naïve now, but I really did have a “build it and they will come” mentality – that did not work nearly as well as I had hoped.
Very early in the game, how to secure a steady flow of clients was really all that was on my mind. I knew that I was doing something incredible, I just needed people to share it with! I did a ton of networking, some internet advertising, and a lot of praying and hoping that somehow people would “find me”. What I did not have was a reliable plan of action for how to go about this easily and consistently. The lack of a system kept me feeling constantly uncertain, needy and out of control. What I know now is that playing the waiting game only leads to frustration and fear… and very few clients.
To help you avoid this harrowing pitfall I have put together 5 simple steps to make it easier to attract more clients to you and your work.

  1. Decide. This may sound ridiculously simple, but this first step cannot be overlooked. I have spent my fair share of nights in nail-biting indecision, and it is incredibly disempowering. If this is you, I would urge you to just decide – quickly. Sitting in uncertainty erodes your self-confidence making it more difficult to move forward. When you make a concrete decision to do what needs to be done, no matter how uncomfortable it may seem in the moment, everything changes. Deciding to make it happen means getting clear, focused, taking more strategic action and being responsible for the outcome. Things that seem uncomfortable at first, when practiced will become second nature.
    1. Learn more. Plan more. Do more. If you are serious about getting more clients, bookings or referrals than you are currently experience, something is going to have to change. You will need new information, followed by action, action, and oh yes, more action. Commit to learning a little more about marketing and client attraction on a weekly basis, create a simple plan to implement this new information consistently, and then get going. If the information is reliable, the plan is good and you get moving, you’ll start seeing results very quickly.
    2. Set targets. Keep Track. “What gets measured gets managed.” When we are trying to lose weight, we track it. Run a marathon, we track it. If you want to book more clients, make more money, or get more referrals, track it. Start by setting a target. A 30-day target is the simplest, but I also encourage yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly targets for entrepreneurs who are really driven and committed to results. A 20% increase is a good place to start. It’s enough to get you to stretch and take action, without the fears, failure and overwhelm.  Once you have decided on the number, start tracking the actions you’re taking to get it on a daily basis.
    3. Waterfall Market. Do not just trickle a little stream of information about who you are and what you do, or mention your business here and there, it’s time turn on the full flow. Create a mega plan to “be known everywhere” (“everywhere” could be your entire city, or the entire world – up to you!) for what you’re really good at and reach everyone you possibly can. This in and of itself will require substantial, sustained effort, but will pay off in the months and years to come.
    4. Believe. This can be the single biggest challenge for new coaches; to really believe that people want and need what you have to offer. Remember the reasons you were so passionate about coaching to begin with? They still hold true. If you can ease someone’s pain, lessen their challenges, resolve their struggles or just give someone something that feels good (I’m deeply grateful for my favourite chocolatier) you are needed and wanted. Believe in this, and share your gifts through your marketing; it’s the way for new business and new clients to come in.

    When you start playing a bigger game, you get bigger results. You will change your world and the lives of those around you. Remember, people need you. Let’s get people coached!
    Up for a little coaching challenge? Commit to a 30-Day Challenge to get more clients. And for a little accountability? Post your targets and comments on the blog.


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