Maybe you are a coach willing to expand your impact? Or maybe you are an entrepreneur looking for valuable opportunities? Or you are reading this by accident (by the way, some say nothing happens by accident…)
One way or another, since you are here, make yourself comfortable and imagine yourself running a successful coach training business established with a trusted partner and valued for caring about students.
Imagine that training coaches is just a tip of an iceberg of your impact – whoever trains with you, further on positively influences tens, hundreds or even thousands of people.
Feels good? Feels challenging? Feels right? Well… you may be closer to making it happen than you ever thought before. Read on and learn about Noble Manhattan Coaching Ltd. and our partnership model.
We operate through Licensed Master Distributors (MD) in each country (a bit like a franchise, only more gentle). Whether you are an individual, a representative of a large training company or someone in between, you may be interested in partnering with us. We currently work with successful MDs representing various scales of organisations.
At the moment, we are looking for Partners
in Norway, Germany, France, BeNeLux,
Finland, Russia, China, India, The Gulf Area,
Brazil, South Africa, Singapore and many other locations.
I don’t want to overwhelm you, so here below are some of our divisions and companies.
- Noble Manhattan Coaching – the core business of the Noble Manhattan Group, a coach training school – currently trading in 28 countries with 18 courses ranging from a one day introduction up to a two and half year postgraduate. We currently work with Licensed Master Distributor partners – (a bit like franchisees) in each territory – these have purchased the rights to trade exclusively in their territory.
- ICN – International Coaching News – currently the largest coaching magazine in the world with 35,000 subscribers in 21 countries.
- CRI – Coach Radio International – an international Internet-based radio platform where anyone involved in the personal development industry can have their own regular weekly or monthly one hour radio show.
- TAG – The ALPHA Group – an international peer-to-peer executive board – currently in over 30 cities worldwide. A regional director in each city creates an ALPHA Group and recruits members who have to be owners of SME’s with a minimum revenue £1 million per annum. Max of 20 members in any group, no 2 members from the same industry.
- CF – Coach Finder – one of the world’s largest directories for coaches and coaching organisations.
- CSG – Coaching Support Division – an international network of coaching support groups. These are meetings that take place once every month for two hours one evening. Run by a local coaching support group leader.
- E-Books for Coaches – our online publishing division.
- Colour Coaching – our Confidence through Image Division
- Boardroom Coaching – we work with large international organisations doing Executive Coaching and training senior managers.
- Noble Partners – explaining the ways we partner with people like you.
After you have gone through our profile, let’s get a coffee on Skype to see how we can make this partnership successful in your country! Apply and/ or add me as contact on LI.
Adam Gieniusz
If this is not yet for you, you may want to
learn a bit more about the coaching
world or consider learning coaching
with us – in such case, take a look at the free
coaching reports we have prepared
>> HERE <<