How You Can Add 6 Figures to Your Business this Year from 1 Proven Marketing Method

Here at the Coaching Blog- one of the world’s leading blogs on the subject of Leadership and Coaching we quite often post articles by leading authors and authorities- today we are delighted to post an article from by Jimena Cortes.

I discovered this marketing method, truly by accident and my ow necessity to get clients. It all started back in 2012 when I launched my SEO company.  The first 6 months were very difficult. I attended networking events tirelessly, and I met a lot of people who either wanted to barter services, or wanted me to do their SEO for such little investment that I would be losing money on the deal.
So I wasn’t meeting the right prospects. Prospects who not only needed my services and understood the value, but could also afford them.
Attending networking events took so much energy and time, I then became exhausted and started to look to other strategies to get clients. One such strategy was reading through Craigslist posts from companies looking to hire an SEO person. The people I came across here wanted the world for a dollar, so needless to say this did not work too well.
Next I tried direct mail, this was beyond my budget at the time because I was a new business and had no clients, so I was living purely off savings without adding much of anything to my nest egg while still having to pay all the regular bills plus business expenses.
I did one campaign because that’s all I could afford and got no calls. So after all of this, I finally got 1 client from a referral from someone I met at a networking event. Still, 6 months later and 1 client wasn’t going to cover the bills, so I started to look for a job. I decided to use LinkedIn as one of the places to try to find work.
As I was looking for a job, I realized that the people who I wished were my clients were right there on LinkedIn.
At this point I had nothing to lose while I waited for a job offer to come in, so I decided to figure out a way to get the attention of these perfect prospects I was coming across on LinkedIn.
2 weeks later, I got my next SEO client (who by the way is still with me today).  Once I discovered how much easier it was to generate targeted and high value leads on LinkedIn, I stopped everything else that was wasting time and money and decided to perfect my LinkedIn strategy.
Long story short, I did not have to go back to “working for the man” and instead grew my business to 6 figures just from the clients I got through LinkedIn.
Since then, I have helped several other companies add 6 figures to their bottom line from our LinkedIn work.
So are you curious to find out how we have been doing this?
Well, I lay out the entire strategy in this work shop:
I made a twist though. You see, a lot of people out there will just have you sign up for their online workshop and then maybe teach you a few things. Still you wont be experiencing the results they promise, you’ll only get to be a voyeur on a strategy that may or may not work
I instead want you to get highly targeted leads before you even attend the workshop, and then during the workshop I will show you how to close the prospects you just received. So that you experience the results as I teach them to you.
You’ll receive a proven message template that will get your perfect prospects to respond to you.
During the workshop, I’ll show you what to say to those connections so they are interested in working with you.
So go here now to learn this valuable marketing method and start getting new clients in as little as 2 days!


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